Extreme Tattoo Removal Methods To Avoid

The very thought of the things I'm writing about today makes my skin crawl! I've been doing some poking around to find some of the most extreme tattoo removal methods so that I could write today's blog post.

You might want to set your dinner aside while you read this post because it's not for the squeamish!

Abrasion Tattoo Removal
This is one of the most extreme home tattoo removal methods that I found. Believe it or not, some people actually get so desperate to remove their tattoo at home that they resort to sanding or grinding their tattoo off with an electric sander or electric grinder.

This is a very dangerous thing to do. Sure, you'll probably get rid of your tattoo, if you have the guts to go through with it, but you'll surely be left with a nasty scar and it would be very easy to end up with a serious infection.

Burning a Tattoo Off
I was also able to find examples of people who go to the extreme and actually try and remove their tattoo with fire! That's right, I said FIRE! Those who attempt this method often use cigarette lighters, lit cigarettes, or cigars; and in some very extreme cases, even blow torches!

Don't let the idea of burning your tattoo off even enter your mind. The amount of heat that would be required to actually remove a tattoo this way would certainly result in severe burns that would be both painful and easily infected. Not to mention the awful scars that you would be left with!

Cutting A Tattoo Off
Believe it or not, there are even those who attempt to cut their tattoo off. Some attempt to use a razor blade to remove just the top layer of skin. This isn't likely to be very effective because tattoo ink is deposited below the surface skin in a layer of skin called the dermis.

Others have actually tried to use a razor blade to perform at home surgery and cut the skin deep enough to fillet the tattooed skin and then sew the open wound closed with a sewing needle and fishing line or dental floss.

This method also poses a significant risk of serous infection and should definitely be avoided.

The Risk Are Just Too High
I realize that you might be desperate to have your tattoo removed but desperate times don't always call for desperate measures. If you're serious about removing your tattoo at home, you might want to consider using an an at home tattoo removal product such as InkBusters.

I suggest that you use an at home tattoo removal product such as InkBusters. You can learn more about this product in my recent blog post called Home Tattoo Removal The Ink Busters Way.

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